Tell ’em, “Prohibition Ended in 1933!”

So let’s say your roommate gets frisked on the way home from a party on Saturday, and gets caught with a couple of joints. Or maybe next time, it’s a friend who does. So you think, “Arrest-worthy?” (Really?)

(Well, then again- it depends on where you are. In: AK, CA, CO, ME, MA, NV, OR, VT, WA plus DC and Virgin Islands, &        13 other decriminalized states, this doesn’t apply)

Find your info on legality here.


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So prohibition ended! But what could we do to help…

Because we can Fix this? Two joints may seem like a joke… maybe not for a friend. Politicians who persist with “for-profit” jails and “420 lock-ups?” Vote ’em out of office.

Speak Up with the Truth. This is what shows our system that our friends are not just a statistic. And it doesn’t matter where we’re from: any of us can email/pick up a phone to our locally elected representatives.

But if you’re asking yourself, “Why should I care?” The vast majority of the people have weighed in on this and in the end, it is a small group of politicians who are thwarting the will of the people. Then again, it’s private businesses making handsome profits building a prison industry. Which robs us of our fellow citizens, not to mention squandering our future (and making us appear foolish in the eyes of the world).


So Now’s the Time! Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Ro Khanna (D-CA) put forwards a bill to end the insanity of pot lockups. We can support the ‘Marijuana Justice Act,’ by asking our own locally elected  representatives to add their voices. When we keep non-violent pot smokers out of jail, we acknowledge they should never have gone there in the first place. Start telling everyone: “Prohibition ended in 1933!” Because we can stop the arrests and for-profit jails. And then it’s by doing this that we show clearly how we help our friends.

"Prohibition Ended" - Peace written in a window
It’s our time


Read more about 420

March 22, 2018

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