So what does it mean to, “Eat Right?” But in any case, should we consider trying plant-based and anti-inflammatory diets? Well, yes!… because food can be healthy, cheap, and Fun 🙂 .
…But then there’s frankin-foods?
That’s right, today we have many choices. But when we go into a large, chain supermarket we often find the middle aisles with packaged goods, while the fresh produce is set up on the outside perimeter. (The term, “Frankinfoods” is a reference to items that grandma won’t recognize).
So how can we eat healthily and on a budget? Do we rely on recipes? Can we make it fun and creative instead of a chore? Here’s a few uplifting ideas to “Eat Right” 🙂 (add your favorites below):
From Dr. Andrew Weil:
“The anti-inflammatory diet is a blueprint for a lifetime of optimum health… It is simple to start eating an anti-inflammatory diet – start with these common foods (Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods):
- Dark, leafy greens such as spinach or kale
- Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli
- Berries, including blueberries, raspberries and strawberries
- Black beans
- Lentils
- Whole grains, such as brown rice and quinoa
- Wild Alaskan salmon
- Edamame
- Asian and wild mushrooms
- Tea, including green tea”
Check out Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Food Pyramid
Find your local farmers market here (8,200 locations & growing)
From Dr. John McDougall:
“When looked at from the perspective of human evolution, the current diet we are eating is a bizarre anomaly unlike anything we ate over the last four million years.
- blood, arteries, and cells are not designed to function under so much fat and cholesterol.
- intestines are not designed to function in the absence of fiber.
- our immune system is not designed to function without an abundant supply of plant-based nutrients and phytochemicals.”
Your health is not determined by heredity- Learn more
Quick way to boost fruit & vegetable consumption
The China Study (T. Colin Campbell) from 2005 has over one million copies in print, making it significantly one of nutrition’s bestsellers:
Learn about the revised 2016 edition here
Then here’s a synopsis of the types described by the Mayo Clinic:
Types of vegetarian diets, including flexitarian- find more
And then how about Michael Pollan’s simple but captivating, well-known phrase:
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Although there is a range of books that help to inspire and inform us- online and offline- it’s easy to discover more about author Michael Pollan by first checking out his book:
so if we eat right? there are some who call GREEN TEA the “healthiest beverage on the planet”:
10 Proven Benefits of Green Tea
Some other examples of healthy diets to follow
Love the McDougal stuff. How about a section just on Dr. M?
Thanks, Joe for the suggestion. We plan on a future post focusing on Dr. M and his programs. Meanwhile, you can find more at
Dr. McDougall
. -MC