We often think in terms of uplifting quotes, uplifting songs, or uplifting stories. And the people in them. Maybe it’s something outside ourselves. In terms of our feelings, “Uplifting” could express how we feel about a work of art. Perhaps a performance, or a book. Maybe it’s in a show, or a play, or perhaps a film. How we feel about a painting or sculpture. It could also be how we feel about a portrait, or a “selfie.” (Perhaps a star is born, but in our mind’s eye 🙂 ).

Two young women taking a selfie
Here we are!
What else?

For example, would “Uplifting” help describe our love for another, adequately? Maybe we can get clearer. In life, how much do we notice?

Externally, with “Uplifting” we may also be experiencing the grandeur of nature up close: Great oceans, majestic forests, ethereal peaks, fragrant valleys;

Or human structures: Places of worship, architecture of our schools, modern skyscrapers in shapes and colors and sizes, the variety of dwellings we experience as “home.”

What about uplifting public spaces, protected park lands, city playgrounds, our fields of green? And the creatures, gems, infinite varieties of species all surrounding us?

Intellectually, is it uplifting to devour books, find the trace of an idea, pursue a hunch, forage for a kernel of a larger truth we seek?

Athletically, is it uplifting to make that one extra game-stop, win that one extra tie-breaker, complete one more training run before race day?

Socially, in the heat of an afternoon sun can we raise half-a-yard of cold Swiss beer , or re-fill glasses with a pitcher of homemade Sangria enjoying the company of friends?

Do sailors marvel at the canvas stretching up skyward lifted by the breeze? Do skiers relish the contact of skis carving packed powder?

Maybe going forwards in the millennium, we identify new paths, trails to blaze beyond our original insights; to rise, to see and share and experience feelings and energy that transcend our daily lives. Help discover connections to each other.  Seek deeper meaning beneath life’s purpose.

And surely we each live mostly on the cusp of a beginning of what it is to truly be exploring life’s possibilities and the, “Uplifting.” Can we count the ways? 🙂



2 bicycles at the beach- next time maybe scoot!
Scoot this!