Everyone has a “special someone.” At least that’s what we’re led to believe. But can it get complicated by acknowledging other people’s definitions- of what is or isn’t acceptable? Is acceptance the point, just not by some 3rd party definition?

Say we harbor a crush on our favorite screen star: Is that anybody’s business, other than those we choose to share with or take into our confidence? Or gender? Or beliefs?

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Not just joyful, light-filled and life affirming moments do we dare express our love. Frailty, vulnerability and weakness? Revealing to us our keys to  being fully alive and engaging?

Lifting up another whom we cherish, being physical, spiritual, and soulful. How do we listen? Who else can we invite into our beautiful and crazy worlds? 🙂

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From Thich Nhat Hanh:

“The first aspect of true love is maitri (metta, in Pali), the intention and capacity to offer joy and happiness. To develop that capacity, we have to practice looking and listening deeply so that we know what to do and what not to do to make others happy. If you offer your beloved something she does not need, that is not maitri. You have to see her real situation or what you offer might bring her unhappiness.

Without understanding, your love is not true love. You must look deeply in order to see and understand the needs, aspirations, and suffering of the one you love. We all need love. Love brings us joy and well-being. It is as natural as the air. We are loved by the air. And we need fresh air to be happy and well. We are loved by trees. And we need trees to be healthy. In order to be loved, we have to love, which means we have to understand. For our love to continue, we have to take the appropriate action or non-action to protect the air, the trees, and our beloved.”

From ‘Teachings On Love’ by Thich Nhat Hanh