Favorite e-Readers

9 Things You Maybe Didn’t Know To Do With a Kindle


14 Ways You can:

– Carry your favorite books

– Bring your world on the go

– Have a reading list on hand

Start your must-read list

Add as you discover

– Read a book a week

– Make it yours

More on Kindle Paperwhite

Storefront, Castle In The Air
Imagination welcome

– Read one book of fiction per week

– Bring a lightweight, effortless reader

and toss it in your bag

– Alternate 1 work of fiction vs. non-fiction

– Add your notes, highlights, bookmarks

Back-lit readers = EZ on the eyes 🙂

Read longer : : read stronger

– All-in-one convenience, portability

– Find one that works for you– multiple types

9 Things To Know You Can Do With A Kindle


Early model kindle showing screensaver with birds
Screensaver with birds!

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