420 in America

In America  2018: 61% Americans agree pot should be legal.

Some say ‘420’ is symbolic of what’s happening nationwide. April 20 is ‘Weed Day:’ It’s origins are a small group of high school kids in the 1970’s, the Waldos. As the story goes, this is a reference to meeting up after ‘extra-curriculars’ at 4:20pm. Maybe the Kids Are Alright. (“And ahead of their time!” – MC).

So, 2018: 9 states with pot fully legal; plus another 21 states with medicinal use legal (includes 13 decriminalizing small possession). But Federal law still lists pot as a Class I felony drug. And Federal law prohibits doctors from prescribing marijuana. Then, by recommendation only- even for cancer patients.

Get Info on  Vapes, Juuls, Pens, Water Vaporizers…

Other Healthy Use: 100% pure sativa, oil for massage

Learn about Advocacy/Marijuana Reform

LEGAL… for users?

Rules for other types of drugs Out-patients get Xanax and a flood of other medications. Because a doctor just fills out a prescription pad. So it’s always legal.

Then there’s celebrities who get  press coverage in the tabloids from getting caught. To go with their fine, often we’ll hear public statements. Like: “Kids, don’t try this.”

420 in America? Depending on states’ rules, pot smokers get stuck with consequences. For example, being pulled over.   Then searched. Or arrested for public display. Sometimes  harassed while trying to procure. And so on.

Not to mention how interaction with law enforcement often depends on the color of a person’s skin. So depending on the state, pot users can end up in local jail for sharing a joint.

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Find your state’s current laws here

so what about Suppliers?

Big pharma Pharmaceutical companies plead guilty and pay  fines in billions. Why? For falsely promoting opioids as non-addictive. For peddling opioids for uses other than those ‘FDA-approved.’ For manufacturing evidence in order to gain insurance coverage. Also for rewarding doctors to increase scripts writing. And then having doctors give paid promotional speeches, sometimes for no attendees.

Read article by Evan Hughes, ‘The Pain Hustlers.’

420 in America? Growers are targets experiencing harassment and criminal charges. Then there are others like retailers. Because retailers can experience raids, searches, seizures,  and lockouts. Not to mention employees who get sent to jail for earning a paycheck.

Medical professionals join cannabis movement

420 in America - Peace written in a window
Our time is now

Other Healthy Use: 100% pure sativa, oil for massage

then what about Financials vs. 420 in America?

$$ Rules for pharma Pharmaceutical companies, securities traders, and bankers work together. Because in a “for-profit” industry, pharmaceuticals can generate handsome returns. The stock market and corporate governing rules encourage monopolies, price-gouging, and profiteering. Insurance coverage is often sought for expensive drugs.

The development of life-saving drugs is critical. But then comes a question of who controls patents? Not to mention the quest for personal gains. Which often may rise above the desperate needs of the under-served.

420 in America? Federal rules prevent banks from opening a bank account for growers/distributors. So state-registered companies administer their business using bundles of cash.

Where do we go from here?

Now we have an epidemic of heroin overdoses. Often by  patients who can no longer afford their opioid addictions. So there is much finger-pointing.

But 420? Pot is not addictive, and often helps patients. And pot is not a usage epidemic.

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61% Agree: What Can I Do?